Extinct Motorsport Engineering grew out of my personal preference for implementing engineering based solutions to some of the most frustrating unmet needs on interesting motor vehicles. As a lifelong gearhead I have been involved in the motorsports community for over 40 years. Wrenching on, modifying, racing, and enjoying cars, trucks, suv's motorcycles, ATV's, boats, just about anything with a motor.

My initial muscle car roots morphed into off-road motorcycle racing as a young man

and then later I was bitten by the Land Rover bug and that got "a little out of control" as they say.

The passion for this mechanical excitement took me from working my way through college on offshore oil rigs to a college education in mechanical engineering and then a successful career in almost every segment imaginable in the manufacturing industry including primary metals, automotive components, plastics, industrial machinery and others. Product design, Patents, product launches, machine design and all manner of manufacturing process experience enables us to create high value solutions to unmet Motorsport needs.

As I started to see the availability of quality starting canvases for D2 restorations decrease I realized I needed to share some of my engineering solutions to keep more of these on the road or there would be no good ones left to restore. It started with the inline thermostat modification and the launch of www.inlinethermostats.com (our sister company).

The practice of creating the solutions to the factory engineering or manufacturing mistakes was always a personal source of pride, so between the response to that initial solution and my restored trucks in the LR community I decided to see if I could share some of my other improvements to my wide range of motorsport interest. Similar to the inline thermostats(www.inlinethermostats.com) our initial products will probably be D2 focused but I have some exciting developments coming that will also apply to a broader range of motorsport applications. I will probably continue with restoration, although at a much slower pace as I shift our focus more towards our solution kits.

This will continue to be a "side hustle" for the time being, so it may take a while to get the back log of product designs refined in to kit form where customers don't need an engineering degree to be successful installing them. Subscribe to our blog page and our instagram and twitter feeds to make sure you don't miss any upcoming product launches or restored trucks hitting the market!